Kosher Certification Services

Identify Which Animals are Koshers with Kosher Certifications Services

Kosher India: Kosher Rules are strict in terms of food and animals. It describes anything that adheres to the strict dietary standards of traditional Jewish law. Kosher is the process of segregating impurity from purity. Kosher is a term that refers to something permissible and proper. 

Kosher Food Certification is based on Jewish law and dates back over 3300 years. Its origins can be traced to the Bible. The kosher requirement is well known for transforming food into a kind of holiness to fit the kitchen, which is seen as a spiritual living space. Like food product restrictions, there are many restrictions on certain animals for people. 

 The animals that can eat by Jewish people are considered kosher animals. But which animals are kosher or not? How will you find it? Don’t worry, and you can take help from experts. Kosher Certifications Services is a Kosher Certification Agency with a deep and thorough knowledge that helps you know “which animal is kosher or not?”

Kosher Animals Category As Stated By Kosher Certification

We have compiled the list of kosher animals category-wise. With the help of a Kosher Certification Provider, you will easily find out kosher animals with general rules. We have categorized the four types of Kosher animals:-

  • Mammals

The animals are considered kosher when they have cloven hoofs and chew their cuds. For e.g., oxen, sheep, goats, deer, gazelles, roebuck, wild goats, ibex, antelopes, and mountain sheep. The most famous non-kosher mammal is Pig. It is considered to be non-kosher because they don’t chew their cud. Other taboo mammals, including rabbits and camels, are non-kosher. 

  • Birds

The Torah specifies some prohibited birds but does not explain which ones are permitted. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and pigeons are among the most frequent birds deemed kosher by Jews. Vultures, ostriches, hawks, and seagulls are among the officially prohibited birds.

  • Fish & Seafood

A water creature is considered kosher when it has fins and scales. Salmon, tuna, pike, flounder, carp, and herring, for example, are kosher, whereas catfish, swordfish, lobster, shellfish, crabs, and other water animals are not. According to the rabbis, all fish with scales also have fins; hence, any fish with scales is kosher.

  • Reptiles, Amphibians, and Insects

These are not kosher, except for four types of locusts.


We hope that you will understand which animals are kosher or not. Kosher Certification Services has a team of experts with immense knowledge and expertise. They help many businesses to get Kosher Certification at affordable prices. If you also want to have a Kosher Certificate India, you can get in touch with us!

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